The Penners

The Penners
Jaxon, Irvin, Mari & Leah

Thursday, 13 December 2012

God bless you for praying for us and the inmates as we went into the prison today. 
         As Ivan and I shared the Word of God, and all of you prayed hearts were changed and convicted to come back to God. There were nine men in the prison that re-committed their lives to God today.
         God is at work, thank you for being there spiritually for us and with us.

             All glory and honor and praise be to God!!
                        In Christ
                 Your partners in Mexico

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

 Hey it is Wednesday again and time to go to prison. I am so excited that you are joining Ivan and myself as we go into the prison. Please pray for our safe travel to prison and back. Please pray for protection as we enter and exit the prison. Please pray for the inmates that God would remove the veil from their eyes and hearts and that they would respond to God's Word and a call to repentance. Today I will be teaching from John 8:1-12 the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus responded to her. Please pray that I would be set aside, that there would be no room for pride or feeling that I am doing this, but pray that the Holy Spirit would use me as an instrument to bring forth the Word of God and that He would change lives today. Please pray for Ivan and myself because there are spiritual battles going on all around us as we proclaim the Word of God today.

           Thank-You so much
                 In Christ

Thursday, 6 December 2012

It has been one week today since we arrived in Rosarito, Mexico and we thank each of you who prayed us here and continue to pray. We have begun to get settled here, Irv is back busy doing ministry, Leah is back at her homeschool, Jaxon is having a great time playing with toys we left behind here last spring...almost like Christmas! "Mom, I remember this!" he says, his eyes shining with excitement as he enjoys his left behind toys. And I (Mari) have been busy making our apartment "home" again. Irv brought a tree home the other day, the kids have decorated it and it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas...even without the snow :)
Just thought I'd put a short post on for now, to let you all know we are here and things are going well...we pray God blesses you richly as you serve Him where you are.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Hello everyone!! We have just arrived in Havre, Montana and day one of our travels is complete.

       DAY 1
     Woke up late....Jaxon threw-up in my hands so we did not get it on Grandmas everyone in the car...drove for about 30 minutes needed to stop for a bathroom break...after the bathroom break Mari sitting in the car drinking from the Pepto Bismol bottle she purchased at the first bathroom break...drove some more...another bathroom break then continue drinking the pink juice for Mari...Jaxon had a three hour nap...get to the boarder and had no problems and the boarder guards wished us well in the Spanish language which was cool...continue driving...Jaxon started getting some coughing to hotel and end day one travel.

     Please continue to pray for the health of our family as we travel, pray for safety as we drive, pray for great weather as we drive, pray for a good night sleep and we will update you from Pocatello, Idaho tomorrow late afternoon. 

God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner

Saturday, 17 November 2012

 Hello everyone, the snow has fallen here in Saskatoon and it looks like it is here for the winter. Jaxon has spent hours playing outside in the snow with Leah. This Sunday (November 18) we are getting together with Mari's family for an early Christmas celebration and then the very next day my sister is having us over for another Christmas celebration.

             Our family would like to encourage you with the following message we received from Nathan and Scott of YUGO Ministries. I will share more with you about our upcoming drive back to Mexico after you read the message from Scott and Nathan.

           " Wonderful news on reaching your full support level. I congratulate you on taking all the necessary steps to come to the Mission Field equipped for successful service.  I am confidant the Kingdom of God will further expand & thrive thanks to your partnership with YUGO Ministries in Mexico. On behalf of the YUGO Family of missionaries on the field in Mexico, Nathan Alpert & I officially welcome you into active service."

             Mari, Leah, Jaxon and I want to thank you for all your prayers that you prayed for our travel this summer as we drove through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, sharing what God has called our family to in Mexico. The prayers for Leah's health, which at this time is once again doing great, Leah is back to her morning exercises and back to her daily routine of home school also.

            Our trek back to Mexico begins on November 26th at around 7:00 A.M. and here is a link to our countdown clock, something we just did for fun to watch as the days, hours, minutes and seconds go by.  

             We leave Saskatoon and travel to Havre Montana as day one of our drive, Day two we leave Havre Montana and travel to Pocatello Idaho, Day three we leave Pocatello and drive to Mesquite Nevada, and then Day four we leave Mesquite and drive back to Rosarito Mexico. As you prayed for our family this summer we ask you to pray for our family again as we prepare to travel and as we travel.

             As you continue to partner with us through your prayers and finances let's always keep the kingdom work as our number one priority in our partnership. 

                 May God bless each one of you!!

    Mari and I will send out one more update on Sunday November 25th the day before we leave... 

God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner

Friday, 26 October 2012

Hey there everyone, here is your opportunity to pray for our family again. Tomorrow morning at 11:00 A.M.  (Saturday October 27) we are leaving Saskatoon for Midale Saskatchewan to share in the Midale Baptist Church Sunday morning and then visit with some of the congregation over lunch and come back to Saskatoon on Monday October 29. Please pray for our safety as we travel and for God to be glorified through the service and His people. Thanks again for all your prayers you have prayed us through so much this year, may God bless you!!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

  Good Morning, 

                        I just wanted to send you a quick praise and prayer update.  In the last update you received from our family our support was at 70%. As of today our support is at 92% and there are 32 days left before we plan to head back to Mexico and prepare for language school. We need to be at 100% on or before November 26. 

                 Thank you for praying and for giving! God has been faithful to answer your prayers and we are VERY close to being able to be sent out!  Please continue to pray with us that God would provide the rest of our support to come in within the next 32 days!! 

If you would like to partner with us financially, below is the information on how to do that!

               Thank you and God bless!!!
                      Irv, Mari, Leah & Jaxon

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

                                            SEPTEMBER UPDATE 3 of 3 Mari's Heart 

Matthew 17:20
"He replied, because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

   As we left the prairies and entered into the Canadian Rockies, this is the verse that challenged me over and over again, and challenges me still. Every day for 3 weeks I woke up in the morning in awe of the surroundings I was in...the beauty God created, there is something about the mountains that is intimidating, breathtaking and beautiful all at the same time.

   As we continued on with our deputation journey, I was reminded over and over again of the beauty of God. Beauty in nature. Beauty in being part of the family of God, having that instant connection with people you've never met before. The beauty of encouragement received and given, as we were able to share with many in Alberta and British Columbia. And the beauty of friendship as I was able to spend time with precious friends, some of whom I hadn't seen in years.

   Beauty and faith, my themes for this trip...constant reminders of beauty in so many instances, and the challenge to trust God more fully, to have faith that He knows the mountains in my life and will be with me as I walk through them...He is good and beautiful and faithful!

   And as we walk in faith we are encouraged as the last report we received from YUGO said that our support is now at 70%, and we are excited to see what God will do next.

   We thank each and every one of you who are on our prayer and financial support team. Thank you for taking the time to read our updates so that you know what to praise and pray for. We pray God will bless you tenfold as He uses you to bless us.

   This ends our September update, Irv, Leah and I all had different experiences throughout the month and we hope you enjoyed reading each of our perspectives.

        If you would like to become part of our prayer or financial support teams/partners please print out this update and cut out the pledge form below and fill out the commitment to prayer or commitment to financial or both sections and send to the address on the pledge card. 

Sunday, 7 October 2012

              Hola mi amigos! (Hello my friends!) My dad asked if I would do my part, and here it is!
          John 10:10 "; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." To some, life is a puzzle. Maybe a balancing act, or "normal:. Put your family in a car and live like gypsies for a month/ the word you would use to describe life is CRAZY. For us, that would be crazy in a good way. Crazy because of the kilometers we put on our Equinox, crazy because of the number of new people and friends we met and crazy because of Crazy Love. This life we live is an adventure, as would any other Christian put it, and that's how God planned it for us. 

          I feel an intimate relationship with my Father, resulting in His love pouring through me. I thank Him for all of the opportunities I had on this trip, and being back home makes me realize that sometime you slow down life, and see how blessed you really are. Not only did I love fellow brothers and sisters by encouraging them with my stories and realities of Mexico, but in return Christ put people in my path to brighten my day, to teach me and to share in His love. Isn't it indescribable, letting God lead and guide and drive your life?
Thank-you for your prayers and support; be encouraged, as the circle of prayer between us never breaks!

Leah Penner

September Update 1 of 3

  Hello everyone, as we traveled across Saskatchewan into Alberta and then through British Columbia the month of September on deputation, the following verses became my motto verses. We traveled 5000 km's and God provided safety and places for our family to rest our heads as we shared about what God has done, is doing now, and what we believe He will be doing in the future in Mexico.
       Philippians 4:6-8 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things."

       The month of September was our first ever full month of deputation away from home. We have gone to churches within a days drive and returned the next day, but this trip was different, this trip was a journey into unknown territory, both physical and spiritual. Physically because we had the opportunity to drive where we had never driven before and sleep where we had never slept before. 

      On more than two occasions Jaxon asked as we stopped and unpacked our suitcases "is this our new home?" There is no doubt that this trip was physically and emotionally challenging on Jaxon, but in every instance God provided people to play with him and just make him feel comfortable and welcome. I am so grateful to each of you that played a roll in Jaxon's life during our journey.   

       Leah who has been batteling with low red blood cells, exhaustion, and black-outs walked hand in hand with her Lord and Savior the entire journey. Every opportunity she had to share what God has done and is doing in her life she took it. Leah was not only telling her stories, but she was listening to the stories of others. People saw something in Leah that allowed them to open up to her, and she began to serve them in there time of need, just as others served her.

       Mari my co-pilot on this journey, was in awe of the beauty that God had provided us to see as we traveled. Praising God for His beauty became Mari's theme on our journey. Every time we got into our vehicle to go to the next place, we thanked God for the beauty he had provided, we asked Him to protect us as we travled, we asked Him to allow the wildlife to stay in the mountains and off the roads and to protect our vehicle from any damage. 5000 km driven and only saw 4 deer on the side of the road and not one breakdown, God had delivered us. Mari was able to re-connect with old friends with a hug and the words "I love you" to comfort her and the heart of her friends. Mari saw what was praiseworthy and meditate on them and shared them with our family as we traveled. A woman after God's own heart.

      Irv (me) drove all but 2 hours of our journey on the highways of the prairies and mountains. Needless to say I had a lot of time to think as I watched the road. The verses you read earlier that became my motto verses, were there to prepare me to be the husband, father, and spiritual leader on our journey. I left Saskatoon a bit anxious, but I did pray and ask God to allow me wisdom and discernment as we journeyed out to give Him honor and glory in everything. 
      Our first stop was in Youngstown, Alberta where the love of Christ was revealed through two great friends in the Lord. They gave us encouragement as we spent time with them in their home, and we are thankful to them.
      Our second stop was in Calgary, at my sisters and brother-in-laws home. Being allowed to stop over there was a blessing as we had time alone to meditate on our upcoming travels. God gave us peace and prepared us for the journey ahead.
      Our third stop was in Vernon, British Columbia where we were able to re-connect with our previous pastoral couple. As we were with them and shared in their church we were ministered to spiritually as our family was prayed for during the prayer meeting. To have people come stand around you and place their hands on you as they prayed for you was incredible. God used them to encourage and strengthen us.
      Our fourth stop was in Hope, British Columbia where we were, I would say blessed in a new and humbling way. I was able to meet someone that just loved the Lord with all of his heart. He and his wife took us hiking in the mountains to a spot that was untouched by the hands of man. A lake that was so clear you could see the bottom, you could see small fish swimming near the bottom. Breathtaking and stunning the way it is to be when we think of God and His love for us. This person that took us on this hike did so with joy and with a servants heart, who had no bitterness towards God because of the cancer he is fighting right now, just praise and honor for His Savior. I was humbled as I found out the news of his cancer and ashamed of how I at times complain to God over the littlest of things. I have been shown how to meditate on God in the hard times, thank-you for that you have made me a better person.
      Our fifth stop was in Langley, British Columbia where we were able to re-connect with a friend from Mexico that was home for a friends wedding. We had packed an overnight bag just in case the Lord opened a door for our family to stay in Langley for the night. Open the door He did, and we stayed with our friends parents and were able to connect with some people that had come to Mexico on a short term missions trip. Again we were encouraged and refreshed by God through His people.
      Our sixth stop was again in Langley, British Columbia as we were able to meet some people from a church missions board. We were accepted into a home where others came to meet us and chat about Mexico. There were some very good conversations and questions raised there that gave us a renewed conformation as to our calling to the ministry in Mexico. It was a great evening and we have gained new friends for life because of it.
      Our seventh stop was in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia where again we were able to re-unite with some friends from Saskatchewan. There were two young boys in the house that Jaxon was able to play with for a day, something he really needed. Mari, Leah. Jaxon and I were again blessed and cared for with the Christ like love exemplified by our friends. He knows what we need when we need it, and He provides it all in good timing.
       Our eighth stop was in Breton, Alberta at my sister and brother-in-laws home, an acreage where Jaxon was able to go outside and run around and play. The day after we had shared in their church, two families came over and we had an evening together. It was a real blessing to have people come and show interest in what God is doing in Mexico. The time spent with my sister and brother-in-law was uplifting and encouraging.
       Our ninth and final stop was back in Saskatoon exactly one month to the day from when we left.

       Our experiences sharing in churches over the past month was something for our family to meditate on. We had been prayed for and were able to pray for others, there was a peace that carried us through the unknown. As we focused more and more on God we lost our anxiousness and our mindset that we needed to establish prayer and financial support. Our family was beginning to minister to people as they ministered to us, we were able to make new friendships that will last a lifetime. The verses we read at the beginning of this update just spoke to me daily and changed my life daily, seeking that which is praiseworthy causes you to forget your own needs and seek what God has placed before you. For me that is God's love for me, my family, our friends, His provision daily as we traveled and knowing that each one of you is praying for our family.

        September was a busy month, and as we returned to Saskatoon and find our departure date to Mexico (November 26) coming closer and closer we were given updated news from YUGO Ministries on our support raised. Praise God for His provision, we are at about 70% of our needed support before we are recognized as fully supported missionaries to Mexico. Please pray with us that the Lord would provide the remainder of our financial support partners quickly as the time of our departure is near. 

         Coming soon, part 2 of 3 in our September update which will be provided by Leah as she gives her perspective of our journey, and the final part 3 of 3 will come from Mari as she shares of our journey. 

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Well here we are in Breton Alberta. This is where Irv's sister and brother-in-law Marlene and Cliff live, and we are able to spend the weekend with them and share in their church Sunday morning. There have been many kilometers traveled since we left Saskatoon and soon there will be a complete update of all our travels. We are expected to arrive back in Saskatoon next Tuesday and by the end of the week we will have a full report of the support raising (deputation) adventures.

Monday, 3 September 2012

We are leaving for Calgary in the morning, a quick stop at Drumheller, Alberta to show 

Jaxon the big dinosaur and if there is time we can take a walk across the suspension 

bridge....lunch and then in Calgary by three?? Or so.....thanks again to Bill and Nicola for 

having us into your home. God continues to use you to bless and minister to those around 

you. Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers as we travel, they do mean so very 

much to us....God Bless!!

                                                                    Loading the car
                                                                    Loading the car
                                                Leah and Nathan saying goodbye for a month
                                                                       Road closed
                                                                 Leah and Jaxon
                                                     Great siblings.....Great playmates....
                                                               Saskatchewan Prairies
                                                                    Harvest has begun


Hey everyone, limited access to the internet right now, but wanted to pass on that we made it to Youngstown safe and sound, and I even got in a little nap on the drive. Thanks for all your prayers we appreciate them, and please continue to pray for our safety as we travel and that God would open opportunities for us as we serve in the comunities we are going to be sharing His word in.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

 Hello to everyone once again, I do hope your summer has been full of fun and that new memories were made. It looks as if fall is upon us for I have seen farmers out on their fields swathing as they prepare for the harvest. And as you and I become part of the eternal harvesters we too can see the need to present the Gospel to a world that is ripe for the harvest. Thank you for partnering with our family through prayer and financial support as we together, by God's leading, and guiding, through the Holy Spirit, commit to be a part of the bigger picture. A picture that only God can see in full, but a picture that is painted as we walk in obedience to the Word of God and each do our part as missionaries both at home and to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28: 19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in  name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
                                              SUPPORT RAISING JOURNEY 
      Well the September plans are falling into place. We are off to Youngstown Alberta on Sunday September 2nd and leave on September 4th. September 4th to 6th we are in Calgary Alberta. September 6th to 14th we are in Vernon British Columbia. September 15 to 24th we are in the Hope British Columbia area. September 25-26 we are back in Calgary Alberta. September 27 to October 1st or 2nd we are in Breton Alberta. October 2nd or 3rd we are back in Saskatoon. If you are living in or around any of these areas and would like to get together with us please contact us and we can arrange a time and place. Seeing that we will be on the road all of September the best way to contact us is through e-mail. We are letting everyone know that they can support our family through cheque, credit card, Canada Helps, and monthly debits using a bank card. If you did not receive the mailing address for YUGO Ministries it is as follows: Yugo Ministries P.O. Box 231 St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 1N3 (phone             780-461-0891       or

                                                   PRAYER REQUESTS
                               We have a few prayer requests to share with you.
       First of all our daughter Leah has been ill for a month, and we just found out a few days ago that she has anemia which is a low level of iron and a low red blood cell count. Leah is a trooper!! Even being sick from low energy and lack of sleep due to the anemia, she went to Martensville Baptist Church and helped out with being a co-leader in kids week three out of the five days. We have a doctors appointment for Leah coming up this week, please also pray for wisdom for the doctors as they begin treating this condition.
      As we are traveling through the month of September we would appreciate your prayers for safety. We will be driving in Alberta and British Columbia as we continue to raise our prayer and financial support.
      Many if not all of you have been praying for Mirellya and the twins, the twins are doing great but Mirellya has not been feeling so good as of late. Please continue to pray for Mirellya's health as she and her family continue to praise God in all situations that may arise.
       Please continue to pray about coming along side us as prayer partners and financial partners in the ministry in Mexico. You might even consider coming to Mexico for a visit and seeing what you are investing your prayer time and financial support into. We can make some room in our apartment and would be happy to host you should you decide to come for a visit.

                                                         COMING EVENTS
       Our family is preparing to return to Mexico the third week of November. We will re-establish relationships that were started while we were in Mexico. Relationships in the prison for myself, with pastors we work with, and with missionaries we team together with. Mari will re-establish her relationships with the missionary wives, our landlord, the roads in Mexico as she drives Leah to youth group and purchases our daily needs driving to do the shopping with the kids. Leah will re-establish her relationships with some very close friends she has made in Mexico, her youth group, youth pastor, and her tae kwon do classmates. Jaxon will re-establish his relationships with the friends that he enjoys playing with.
       In January our family is off to language school until the end of April. We will be taking our language schooling at the Roca Blanca Spanish Language School, you can check out their web page here then after language school the plan is to go back to our apartment in Rosarito and get back into the swing of things in our ministry there.

                        SUPPORT UPDATE WE ARE AT 60% Praise God!!
       As you know, we need three consecutive months of our full support in before we can be sent out by YUGO Ministries as missionaries. Yes we have made plans to leave the third week of November, we are walking in faith knowing that many people have said that they wanted to support our family when we go. This is the window of opportunity for you now, and as we have asked earlier in this update, please take this to God in prayer. God has already placed the desire to be our prayer support partners and our financial support partners in the hearts of those that are going to be supporting our family. The same way He has done in the hearts of those that are supporting other missionaries around the world. The work is not giving of time to pray or giving of ones finances. The work is praying and discerning how God wants to use you in this ministry as we partner to expand the kingdom of God in ministries all over the world. God is using missionaries everywhere and our family is one of the families He is using and I am required to let the needs be known and you are required to pray and discern in what way God is asking you to help. I believe with all my heart that God will have our support raised very soon because you now know the need, and the time frame and as you pray God will direct you as to what to do.
        I want to thank everyone that is praying for our family and I want to thank everyone that is partnering with us financially at this time. Our family is so excited to see how God will bless each one of you as you give of your time and finances. I also want to thank everyone that has sent us e-mails of encouragement, they mean so very much to us!!

God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Missions Conference

We had a great time at the Waldheim Missions Conference. we were blessed as 
we talked with other missionaries from around the world. Sunday night they 
announced that the children were raising funds to send a pastor to Bible School in Tijuana and that was so exciting to hear. the goal was to raise the $150.00 to cover the cost of the books and tuition for the 2 year course. We were asked to give the missions committee a project to donate some finances to. Mari and I chose to have them donate the funds to pay for tuition and books for pastors taking the two year Bible training course. So tonight was the last night of the conference and they asked Mari and I to share about someone that had went through the Bible training course, I shared about Abelino Jacomeand his ministry. Then we found out that the children had raised $457.00 which means that three pastors can go through the Bible training course!! Then I was told that their budget had been met and there was another $3,000.00 going towards the Bible training course which means there is enough funds to pay for 20 more students.....Praise God!! 23 more students that can be trained and go out and share the Word of God.....How will God cause the people to be reached through these that will go and minister....We are so thankful to God for this great opportunity to serve Him and we were so blessed....Get the students lined up Mike!! Praise God!!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

      The update on Paul is one of great joy and thanksgiving as God has pulled him through what was a very close call with death. It is so amazing how much wisdom and discernment God has granted doctors and nurses. Paul had two stints put in and has went home and doing so very well. There will be some limitations to Paul's new normal, but a new normal is so much better than what might have happened.
       Thanks again for all your prayers!!

              God Bless

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

 Hey there everyone, I just wanted to request prayer for my brother-in-law Paul. Many of you that know me know my sister Judi and her husband Paul Marks and their two children. Last night Paul had a major heart attack and they did manage to get him stable for the night there is more that needs to be done. Please pray for the doctors and nurses for God to give them wisdom and discernment. Please pray for strength and healing for Paul, also please pray for my sister Judi, and their children Samuel, and Victoria that God would grant them the peace that passes all understanding.
     Thank-You for all of your prayer support.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

We are trying to organize a " 1/2 hour with Leah Penner" a testimony in music and story....this is a free will offering as we raise support for our ministry in Mexico. Is this something you would be willing to attend? 
Love to get your feedback, please let us know if this is something you would enjoy attending. This can be a one time event or we could use multiple facilities in a variety of locations. If you would be interested in having Leah share what God is doing through her eyes leave us a note here or contact us for a booking at your church or home. Again this is Depending on your response for dates and places.
                                       JUNE 2012 Deputation in Canada Updated Family Pictures
                                                               Our Family
                                                                 Mari and I
                                                                Family again
                                                                 Jaxon and I
                                                            Mari and Leah
                                                                  Family again
                                                                   Irv and Mari
                                                                    Leah and Jaxon
                                                                Funny face...

Thank-You so much for all your prayers, please keep praying for our safety and for our financial support to come in. Your prayers are our strength as we travel and share what God is doing....

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

                                  The Super Woman In My Life Finally Revealed In Picture Below
Here she is!! The Super Woman In My Life!! Yes It Is Mari Penner Mask Off and The Truth Finally Comes Out As Many Have Asked..."Who Is That Masked Woman" She Is Mari Penner My Wife..I Am So Lucky And Proud To Be Married To Super Woman!!! LOVE YOU MARI!!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

                                                      Family Time is a good time....
                                                            Leah in her guitar class....
                                            Home-school group gets together every Tuesday
                                                       Leah at her Tae Kwon Do class
                                                 Mari and Jaxon having fun preparing food
                                          Jaxon having fun at a park in an outdoor restaurant....
                                        Jaxon playing with his cards and Mickey and Donald...
                                              Playing soccer on the deck...Great kick Jaxon!!
                                         Got to have some Canadian in you while in Mexico...
                                               These things shoot water...How cool is that!!
                                               Look I see something!! Hurry come look!!
                                     Tae Kwon Do class picture just before we left for Canada...
                             Friends and Neighbours saying goodbye the day we left for Canada....
                                     Praying God will allow us to go back to Mexico very soon....