The Penners

The Penners
Jaxon, Irvin, Mari & Leah

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

      The update on Paul is one of great joy and thanksgiving as God has pulled him through what was a very close call with death. It is so amazing how much wisdom and discernment God has granted doctors and nurses. Paul had two stints put in and has went home and doing so very well. There will be some limitations to Paul's new normal, but a new normal is so much better than what might have happened.
       Thanks again for all your prayers!!

              God Bless

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

 Hey there everyone, I just wanted to request prayer for my brother-in-law Paul. Many of you that know me know my sister Judi and her husband Paul Marks and their two children. Last night Paul had a major heart attack and they did manage to get him stable for the night there is more that needs to be done. Please pray for the doctors and nurses for God to give them wisdom and discernment. Please pray for strength and healing for Paul, also please pray for my sister Judi, and their children Samuel, and Victoria that God would grant them the peace that passes all understanding.
     Thank-You for all of your prayer support.