Hello to everyone once again, I do hope your summer has been full of fun and that new memories were made. It looks as if fall is upon us for I have seen farmers out on their fields swathing as they prepare for the harvest. And as you and I become part of the eternal harvesters we too can see the need to present the Gospel to a world that is ripe for the harvest. Thank you for partnering with our family through prayer and financial support as we together, by God's leading, and guiding, through the Holy Spirit, commit to be a part of the bigger picture. A picture that only God can see in full, but a picture that is painted as we walk in obedience to the Word of God and each do our part as missionaries both at home and to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28: 19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Well the September plans are falling into place. We are off to Youngstown Alberta on Sunday September 2nd and leave on September 4th. September 4th to 6th we are in Calgary Alberta. September 6th to 14th we are in Vernon British Columbia. September 15 to 24th we are in the Hope British Columbia area. September 25-26 we are back in Calgary Alberta. September 27 to October 1st or 2nd we are in Breton Alberta. October 2nd or 3rd we are back in Saskatoon. If you are living in or around any of these areas and would like to get together with us please contact us and we can arrange a time and place. Seeing that we will be on the road all of September the best way to contact us is through e-mail. We are letting everyone know that they can support our family through cheque, credit card, Canada Helps, and monthly debits using a bank card. If you did not receive the mailing address for YUGO Ministries it is as follows: Yugo Ministries P.O. Box 231 St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 1N3 (phone or e-mailwww.yugo.org)
We have a few prayer requests to share with you.
First of all our daughter Leah has been ill for a month, and we just found out a few days ago that she has anemia which is a low level of iron and a low red blood cell count. Leah is a trooper!! Even being sick from low energy and lack of sleep due to the anemia, she went to Martensville Baptist Church and helped out with being a co-leader in kids week three out of the five days. We have a doctors appointment for Leah coming up this week, please also pray for wisdom for the doctors as they begin treating this condition.
As we are traveling through the month of September we would appreciate your prayers for safety. We will be driving in Alberta and British Columbia as we continue to raise our prayer and financial support.
Many if not all of you have been praying for Mirellya and the twins, the twins are doing great but Mirellya has not been feeling so good as of late. Please continue to pray for Mirellya's health as she and her family continue to praise God in all situations that may arise.
Please continue to pray about coming along side us as prayer partners and financial partners in the ministry in Mexico. You might even consider coming to Mexico for a visit and seeing what you are investing your prayer time and financial support into. We can make some room in our apartment and would be happy to host you should you decide to come for a visit.
Our family is preparing to return to Mexico the third week of November. We will re-establish relationships that were started while we were in Mexico. Relationships in the prison for myself, with pastors we work with, and with missionaries we team together with. Mari will re-establish her relationships with the missionary wives, our landlord, the roads in Mexico as she drives Leah to youth group and purchases our daily needs driving to do the shopping with the kids. Leah will re-establish her relationships with some very close friends she has made in Mexico, her youth group, youth pastor, and her tae kwon do classmates. Jaxon will re-establish his relationships with the friends that he enjoys playing with.
In January our family is off to language school until the end of April. We will be taking our language schooling at the Roca Blanca Spanish Language School, you can check out their web page here http://rocablancaspanish. com/ then after language school the plan is to go back to our apartment in Rosarito and get back into the swing of things in our ministry there.
As you know, we need three consecutive months of our full support in before we can be sent out by YUGO Ministries as missionaries. Yes we have made plans to leave the third week of November, we are walking in faith knowing that many people have said that they wanted to support our family when we go. This is the window of opportunity for you now, and as we have asked earlier in this update, please take this to God in prayer. God has already placed the desire to be our prayer support partners and our financial support partners in the hearts of those that are going to be supporting our family. The same way He has done in the hearts of those that are supporting other missionaries around the world. The work is not giving of time to pray or giving of ones finances. The work is praying and discerning how God wants to use you in this ministry as we partner to expand the kingdom of God in ministries all over the world. God is using missionaries everywhere and our family is one of the families He is using and I am required to let the needs be known and you are required to pray and discern in what way God is asking you to help. I believe with all my heart that God will have our support raised very soon because you now know the need, and the time frame and as you pray God will direct you as to what to do.
I want to thank everyone that is praying for our family and I want to thank everyone that is partnering with us financially at this time. Our family is so excited to see how God will bless each one of you as you give of your time and finances. I also want to thank everyone that has sent us e-mails of encouragement, they mean so very much to us!!
God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner