The Penners

The Penners
Jaxon, Irvin, Mari & Leah

Thursday, 13 December 2012

God bless you for praying for us and the inmates as we went into the prison today. 
         As Ivan and I shared the Word of God, and all of you prayed hearts were changed and convicted to come back to God. There were nine men in the prison that re-committed their lives to God today.
         God is at work, thank you for being there spiritually for us and with us.

             All glory and honor and praise be to God!!
                        In Christ
                 Your partners in Mexico

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

 Hey it is Wednesday again and time to go to prison. I am so excited that you are joining Ivan and myself as we go into the prison. Please pray for our safe travel to prison and back. Please pray for protection as we enter and exit the prison. Please pray for the inmates that God would remove the veil from their eyes and hearts and that they would respond to God's Word and a call to repentance. Today I will be teaching from John 8:1-12 the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus responded to her. Please pray that I would be set aside, that there would be no room for pride or feeling that I am doing this, but pray that the Holy Spirit would use me as an instrument to bring forth the Word of God and that He would change lives today. Please pray for Ivan and myself because there are spiritual battles going on all around us as we proclaim the Word of God today.

           Thank-You so much
                 In Christ

Thursday, 6 December 2012

It has been one week today since we arrived in Rosarito, Mexico and we thank each of you who prayed us here and continue to pray. We have begun to get settled here, Irv is back busy doing ministry, Leah is back at her homeschool, Jaxon is having a great time playing with toys we left behind here last spring...almost like Christmas! "Mom, I remember this!" he says, his eyes shining with excitement as he enjoys his left behind toys. And I (Mari) have been busy making our apartment "home" again. Irv brought a tree home the other day, the kids have decorated it and it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas...even without the snow :)
Just thought I'd put a short post on for now, to let you all know we are here and things are going well...we pray God blesses you richly as you serve Him where you are.