The Penners

The Penners
Jaxon, Irvin, Mari & Leah

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Update (Abellino's Family) Prayer requests....

    Hey there everyone, how are things going? We are getting ready to begin our drive back to Canada to share what God has been doing here in Mexico, sit down over coffee and chat about the future here in Mexico and what part you might play in that. I have been asked by a few of you about Abellino and Mirellya and today I was out there dry-walling on the attachment that is going onto their house as we anticipate the arrival of the twins.
     The doctors have set the due date C-Section as April 15th but today Mirellya was having man pains, so who knows the date but God. Here is a huge prayer request for you and your friends and your churches. The doctors have given Mirellya a 20% chance of coming out of the births of her children alive, not to mention the two surgery's that she needs at the same time. As I was talking to a friend tonight he said, that gives God 80% chance of bringing Mirellya through the births and surgery"s. Cool way to look at it, so please be in prayer for Mirellya for this is heavy on her heart.
     As for my family we are leaving for Canada Friday morning around 8:00 A.M. and are looking at a five day trip. Please be raying already that God would provide safe travel and great weather for our time of travel. Also pray that we as a family can bond and become even closer as we spend 6 to 8 hours in the car together each day. 
     God Bless you as you minister through prayer for Abellino, Mirellya and their family, and our family as we travel.

          See You Soon!!
God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Prayer Request

I am needing some prayer support to make a big decision. The forecast for our trip back to Canada is rain and snow through the mountains. I need to decide if we are going to just wait for our departure day to come and see what happens, we can leave a week earlier or leave a week later. If we leave earlier then we get to stop off at our home base in Warman just outside of Saskatoon, if we leave a week later we by-pass our home base and go straight to Swan River Manitoba to begin our speaking engagements. So your prayers would be very helpful as we make this decision. Thanks again for your support.....

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Penner Family Update

  Hey there everyone!! How are things going? We are about 20 days away from returning to Canada to excite you and make you want to send us back to Mexico because stories of what God is doing here in Mexico through you sending us. The stories we are going to share with you will cause the hair on your neck to stand up with anticipation of what God will do next. We are so thankful for the opportunity we have had here in Mexico, I will let Mari share a story or two before I come and close off this update. So without further a due here is Mari with her short stories, enjoy as you see her heart expressed in this update.
      Well, Mari here, Irv says it's my turn to share, so here goes! What have I as a wife and mother seen here in Mexico? Well, life has been pretty normal and at the same time, different! While Irv has been out busy in the prison and visiting pastors in the poorer colonias during the week, my focus has been to pray for Irv and the ministries he's involved in and to take care of the kids. During the week I drive Leah to different activities including a youth worship service at the church on Wednesday evenings, normal "mom" things! And twice a month we go to a home school group which a lot of missionary families attend, as well as a lot of Mexican families, it's a fun time for the kids to connect and they also have a preschool program for Jaxon! God has blessed us so much in allowing us to be here, I knew we were coming to Mexico to minister, but I didn't realize the great support we'd have with the other missionary families, that has just been an added blessing! 
       Being able to see how people rely on God here for everything has been exciting! Food showing up exactly when needed, only minutes after uttering a prayer, twin babies and their mother doing so well, doctors are amazed, it is humbling to see, and challenges us to not take everything for granted. At the beginning of January we were able to go and hand out Christmas gifts at a dump site, at the end of the day, I brought my 2 year old home and gave him a bath and as I sat there holding my clean, sweet smelling little boy, my heart hurt for the kids at the dump who have no running water for a bath. Why did God chose to allow me to be blessed the way I am, and not the people living in the dump? I am so grateful for the experiences we have had here in Mexico, and look forward to sharing more with you when we are back in Canada, we can't tell all the stories now, we need to keep you in suspense so that you'll come and see us, or have us come and see you when we're there! That's all for me for now, I'll let Irv finish up now...thanks for reading!!
      As you can see God has been working in the lives of Mari and the kids as they adjust to living in Mexico, and supporting me and the ministries I am involved in through prayer. I am looking forward to hearing what Mari and Leah are going to share with you as we speak in your churches and come to your homes. Please start praying for our trip back to Canada, as it never hurts to start praying ahead of time. Looking forward to seeing you all again, until then God Bless!!
       Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Forgot the link it is...

Here is the link that belongs with the post "A New Way To Support Us"

New way of supporting us...

You can also support us via credit card, something new but I tried it yesterday and it works. Just go to the link put YUGO Ministries in the search for a charity and click search. Click on the Yugo Ministries name it will be hi-lighted when you put your cursor over it, then click on donate now or donate monthly, then enter the amount you want to donate (if it is monthly enter your start and end dates and send a message/ instructions telling them you wish the support to go to Irvin and Mari Penner) If you are making a one time donation select the fund/designation (missionary support, Irvin and Mari Penner) click on continue for either way and complete my donation. It sounds like a lot to do, but once you set your start and finish dates then you are done!!
Thank-You for your support, God bless you!!

Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Update On The Penner Family

 Hey there everyone!! I sure do appreciate all the support you are giving to Abellino and his family, God is doing great things there and I am just so excited to see what He is going to do through these twin babies. Keep praying for their family and ask God to prepare the hearts of the doctors and staff as they see God in action first hand.

    I have been asked to give an update as to what we will be doing in the near future. I have shared that we will be coming back to Canada to speak in churches to testify what God is doing here in Mexico, not just to the Mexican people but to our family as well. 

     Our travel schedule will be as follows:
      Leaving Mexico April 1st arriving in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada April 7th, 8th, or 9th.
      - Staying in Saskatoon until April 13th
      - Swan River, Manitoba April 14th until April 30th
      - Carman Manitoba, May 1st until May 15th
      - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan May 16th until Unknown date..
      - We are planning to get to Alberta and British Columbia sometime in June or July
     When we return to Mexico I will be continuing at the prison, helping out teaching the local pastors, teaching in a Bible School and working with teams that come out on short term mission trips.

     I was also asked to give an update on how things are going with our prayer support team and financial support team building. I must be honest with you, I have been pouring a lot of effort towards Abellino and his family and not on my own support raising. But if our support, both prayer and financial are not raised we loose a connection with you. That connection of announcing what God is doing in Mexico through you sending us I believe has grown over the past months. How we are the eyes, ears, hands, mouth and feet here in Mexico for God sent by you. Look at what has been done, how God has used us through you to get His will done. So that being said, we had about 40% of our support raised this month, and we are looking at the rest of our support to be raised from now until we have finished our scheduled speaking engagements announcing what God has done and is doing here in Mexico.

    There are so many families that are being touched by God here, it would be nice for you to come and visit and see how they make ends meet here in Mexico. But reality says, we can not all make it down, but we can all help in one way or another, prayerfully or financially or both. I will add the information you need as you prepare to support us prayerfully and financially.  This means, if God has prompted you to support us, the sooner you begin sending in your support the sooner we can come back to Mexico as your representatives and continue in the work God has called us to.

    You can phone YUGO Ministries at 780-461-0891 ask for Marilyn and she can put you on a list of people that are praying for us daily, Marilyn can also set you up with a way to do monthly payments to support our family here in Mexico. You can also print off or copy the information onto a separate sheet of paper and then send the information from below the address given here. 

                                            HOW TO SUPPORT THE PENNER FAMILY PRAYERFULLY AND FINANCIALLY 

Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner
YUGO Ministries
PO BOX 231
St. Albert AB.
Canada T8N 1N3

Our Pledge Card Information
YES! I want to partner with the Penner Family in the ministry God is calling them to.

I want to commit to the Penner’s prayer support team.

I would like to make a one-time gift of: $25 $50 $100 or $__________

I want to commit to supporting the Penner Family with a monthly gift of: $__________

I would like my monthly gift to be deducted monthly from my bank account using monthly electronic funds transfers. (For this option, please attach a
voided cheque, and check below whether you would like these funds to be deducted on the 2nd or 17th of each month.)

I want my bank to pay to YUGO Ministries the amount shown above on either the 2nd or the 17th of each month.
This authorization is the same as if I had personally signed a cheque and will remain in effect until I notify YUGO ministries that I wish to change this
Signed: __________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
YUGO Ministries
PO Box 231
St. Albert, AB
Canada T8N 1N3
In compliance with CRA regulations all gifts are received as unconditional donations to YUGO ministries.
They are under the ultimate control of YUGO’s Board of Directors, which establishes policies for their use.
God Bless
Irv, Mari, Leah and Jaxon Penner